Press Quotes & Interviews


Night of the Harvest - Lead Actor - Horror Feature Film Reviews

Leading lady Jessica Morgan gives a memorable performance that has me excited for more.
— Vannah Taylor, Movie Jawn
[Jessica] Morgan... also shine[s], with Morgan delivering a particularly strong and scenery-chewing performance — especially as she’s given a more substantive role in the latter half of the film.
— Stephanie Maloney, Morbidly Beautiful

One Night in October - Lead Actor - Horror Feature Film Reviews

Jessica Morgan mesmerizes as Michelle, especially starting around the one-hour mark. Her serene attitude when talking to Hewitt is a guise that masks a terrifying soul. This true self slowly emerges through conversations with herself, and Morgan nails these moments.
— Bobby LePire, Film Threat
The performances were pretty good though, especially from [Jessica] Morgan
— Chris Cummings, Nerdly
Jessica Morgan as Michelle is a particularly perfect example of a deranged and demonic killer new neighbour whose bullies will live (or die?) to regret that they ever chose her as the target for their cruel practical joke.
— Peter "Witchfinder" Hopkins, HorrorScreams VideoVault
Jessica Morgan has some fun when she’s in killer mode
— Carl "The Disc" Fisher, GBHBL

Night of the Harvest - Co-Director - Horror Feature Film Reviews

Night of the Harvest is one of the most genius slasher movies ever made
— Michael Talbot-Haynes, Film Threat
These writers/ directors are one to watch in the future... They are going to be remembered in years to come when they get bigger and better chances with budgets.
— Dan Skip Allen, From the Fourth Row
Night of the Harvest is one of the best attempts at retro horror in 2024.
— Michael DeFellipo, Horror Society
A gruesomely entertaining beginning to this year’s spooky movie season, Night of the Harvest is a solid slasher flick fueled by a well-crafted screenplay and a respectful dedication to the genre and its fans.
— Anthony Francis, The Movie Revue